We consider responsible behaviour towards our employees, consumers, partner companies
and the environment to be crucial for future-oriented corporate management. We consider
the interactions between ecological, social and economic sustainability as a holistic concept
that is a holistic concept that is considered in our daily activities and is also supported by our
partner companies.
Our Brand Partners
Our partners contribute to sustainability and social responsibility. This includes, for example:
- The regionality of raw materials
- Free-range husbandry of the animals
- Increasing the shelf life of products to avoid food waste
- Using sustainable – for example recyclable – packaging as far as possible
- Sensible planning and utilisation of transport to reduce CO2 emissions
- Doing good for employees and encouraging and supporting them

In our range you will find products with a variety of labels, for example the MSC environmental label for fish products, labels for organic production, the improvement of the living and working conditions of producers, the protection of forests and biodiversity and the sustainable cultivation of palm oil.
MSC – Marine Stewardship Council
The label stands for fish products that come from controlled, sustainable and certified fisheries. It ensures that the fish have been caught in an environmentally friendly manner and do not come from overfished stocks. They also ensure that no more fish are caught than can
Companies and farms are subject to strict requirements. These include, for example, not using chemical pesticides and genetic engineering, ensuring species-appropriate husbandry and preserving biodiversity, as well as protecting water, soil and air and not using easily soluble mineral fertilisers.
Fairtrade Max Havelaar
The Fairtrade label stands for cooperation with smallholder cooperatives, more stable prices and long-term trading relationships. Both farmers and employees on plantations receive an additional Fairtrade premium for community projects. The standards also include criteria for democratic organisational structures, environmental protection and safe working conditions.
Rainforest Alliance
The Rainforest Alliance Cocoa Label focuses on the production of cocoa under environmentally friendly conditions. The aim is to preserve biodiversity and create a sustainable livelihood for farmers. This implementation of improved farming systems helps to protect the rainforest habitat and reduce poverty in rural communities.
Palm oil
Palm oil is a versatile vegetable oil and is not only popular as an edible oil but can also be found in many products in the supermarket. Oil palms produce higher yields than oil plants and require less land. However, the oil has a controversial reputation. The increasing number of oil palm plantations is destroying rainforest and causing considerable ecological and social problems in the producing countries. The sustainable production of palm oil minimises the environmental impact and helps to comply with human rights standards. This is precisely what the labels are committed to.

Transport & Logistik
It doesn’t stop with the products. We also have partners at our side who take responsibility in the areas of transport and logistics.
This is exemplified by the Schöni company. As a ‘Lean&Green’ award winner, our partner has committed to developing a plan of action to reduce CO2 emissions by using:
- Bioenergy fuels
- LNG vehicles (LNG = liquefied natural gas)
- Hydrogen vehicles
- Unaccompanied combined transport (rail transport)
Also, the company is certified Swiss Climate Co2 Optimised.
We also work with other transport and logistics companies in Switzerland, including MSped from Basel.
MSped is certified by various organisations, including Green Logistics. Green Logistics ensures that the environmental impact of the logistics and transport network is minimised. It also ensures that good results and high customer satisfaction can be achieved without harming the planet.
We also take care to fill the lorries so that we don’t have to make any unnecessary additional journeys. This enables us to reduce Co2 emissions.
As a further initiative, we are reducing our CO2 emissions by switching our vehicle fleet to electric vehicles.

Prevention of Food Waste
By working with organisations such as Tischlein deck dich and various suppliers of products that can no longer be sold regularly, we avoid food waste. The best-before date is often the cause. Other causes include crushed packaging, overproduction and seasonality.

Social Engagement
The VEBO co-operative is a company that integrates people with health impairments. We count on a team from VEBO to help us with occasional peaks in workload in our warehouse. It is a profitable co-operation for both sides, we can learn from each other.